Public Notices

Application LA23-01 - Housing Needs Analysis and Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 4 Revisions

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sweet Home Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings to receive testimony and consider amendments to the Sweet Home Comprehensive Plan. This legislative amendment, LA23-01, consists of text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 4: Residential Lands and Housing. The proposed text amendments were identified by City Staff, based on the Revised Housing Needs Analysis and Buildable Lands Inventory. Application LA23-01 is pending the approval of the Housing Needs Analysis and Buildable Lands Inventory. Application LA23-01 and the Housing Needs Analysis and Buildable Lands Inventory are being filed simultaneously.

Application LA23-01 Notice


Application ZMA23-01 - Zone Map Amendment

The applicant is proposing to change the Zoning Map in an area consisting of approximately 190,211 square feet (5.18 acres) located in Sweet Home, OR 97386 (13S01E32AA Tax Lot 600). The Sweet Home Zoning Map is proposed to change from the Residential Low Density (R-1) Zone to the Residential High Density (R-3) Zone. The proposed zone change would bring the zoning designation into conformity with the property’s existing Comprehensive Plan Map designation. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will hold a public hearing and decide on this application.

Application ZMA23-01 Notice


Application LA23-02 - Sweet Home Municipal Code Chapter 17 Text Amendments

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sweet Home Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings to receive testimony and consider amendments to the Sweet Home Municipal Code. This legislative amendment, LA 23-02, consists of text amendments to Title 17 Zoning. The proposed text amendments were identified by City Staff. This proposal includes a new SHMC Chapter 17.119 Vacation and Dedication of Public Ways and amendments to following sections of the SHMC 17.04 Definitions, 17.06 City Comprehensive Plan and Establishment of Zones, 17.10 Residential Low Density (R-1), 17.12 Residential Medium Density (R-2), 17.14 Residential High Density (R-3), 17.16 Mixed-Use (MU), 17.18 Commercial Central (C-1), 17.20 Commercial Highway (C-2), 17.22 Industrial (I), 17.24 Public Facility (PF), 17.25 Recreation Commercial Zone (RC), 17.26 Mixed Used Employment (MUE), 17.42 Street Standards, 17.44 Off Street Parking and Loading, 17.50 Signs, 17.52 Fencing and Screening, 17.56 Yards and Lots Standards, 17.58 Land Divisions, 17.66 Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots, 17.70 Residential Accessory Structures, 17.72 Special Residential Dwellings, 17.90 Application – General, and 17.108 Nonconforming Uses.

Application LA23-02 Notice


Application VC22-01 - Vacation of Redwood Street

This is an application to vacate an undeveloped portion of Redwood Street in the City of Sweet Home, Oregon.  The portion of Redwood Street proposed to be vacated is a dead-end street, approximately 500 feet long, located north of Highway 20 and west of 53rd Avenue.

Application VC22-01 Notice


Application CMA23-01 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments

The City of Sweet Home, Sweet Home School District, and Sweet Home Fire District are proposing to change the Comprehensive Plan Map for their properties, consisting of approximately 280 acres, located in Sweet Home, OR 97386 (see the attached map). The Sweet Home Comprehensive Plan Map is proposed to change from the Commercial Central (C-1) zone, the Commercial Highway (C-2) zone, the Residential Low Density (R-1) zone, the Residential Medium Density (R-2) zone, the Residential High Density (R-2) zone, and the Mixed-Use Employment (MUE) zone to the Public Facility (PF) zone. The subject properties listed in the application do not have a Public Facility (PF) Comprehensive Plan designation. A Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment must be approved to complete a Zone Map Amendment.  On October 27, 2022, the City of Sweet Home adopted the revised Sweet Home Municipal Code Title 17 that included Chapter 17.24 Public Facility (PF) Zone. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will hold a public hearing and decide on this application. Application CMA23-01 is being filed simultaneously with Application ZMA23-02.  The subject properties that do not have a Comprehensive Plan Designation of Public Facility (PF) will be pending the approval of Application of CMA23-01 to complete the Zone Map Amendment proposed in Application ZMA23-02.

Application CMA23-01 Notice


Application ZMA23-02 - Zone Map Amendment

The City of Sweet Home, Sweet Home School District, and Sweet Home Fire District are proposing to change the Zoning Map for their properties, consisting of approximately 425 acres, located in Sweet Home, OR 97386 (see the attached map). The Sweet Home Zoning Map is proposed to change from the Commercial Central (C-1) zone, the Commercial Highway (C-2) zone, the Recreation Commercial (RC) zone, the Residential Low Density (R-1) zone, the Residential Medium Density (R-2) zone, the Residential High Density (R-2) zone, and the Mixed-Use Employment (MUE) zone to the Public Facility (PF) zone. On October 27, 2022, the City of Sweet Home adopted the revised Sweet Home Municipal Code Title 17 that included Chapter 17.24 Public Facility (PF) Zone. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will hold a public hearing and decide on this application. Application ZMA23-02 is being filed simultaneously with Application CMA23-01.  The subject properties that do not have a Comprehensive Plan Designation of Public Facility (PF) will be pending the approval of Application of CMA23-01 to complete the Zone Map Amendment proposed in Application ZMA23-02.

Application ZMA23-02 Notice